Financial Planning Approach

Creating a financial plan doesn’t have to be complex. It starts with having an in-depth conversation about all of your financial goals, as well as any monetary concerns that weigh on your mind. These discussions typically cover:


Are you, your family, and/or your business properly protected from death, disability, or a long-term care event? Insurance can play a pivotal role in your overallplan—from income replacement to asset protection and the tax-efficient transfer of wealth.


Your investment portfolio should directly reflect your goals, your time horizon, and risk tolerance. Ultimately, it is about achieving a high probability of success with as little risk as necessary. Our investment products include non-proprietary mutual funds2 and Eagle Strategies investment advisory services.


What steps can you take to maximize your retirement savings? Are there other ways to augment your retirement income? Our retirement solutions include fixed,1 variable,2 and income3 annuities, non-proprietary mutual funds,2 and Eagle Strategies investment advisory services.


Together, we can explore ways to transfer assets more efficiently to your beneficiaries, provide for family members with special needs, or facilitate the smooth transition of your business, as well as ensure you have the right estate planning documents and up-to-date beneficiary designations.

1 Issued by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life.

2 Offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC), a Licensed Insurance Agency and a New York Life co.

3 Issued by New York Life Insurance Company or New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation.

: Neither New York Life Insurance Company, nor its agents, provides tax,legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professional before making any decisions.